Pain Relief and Treatment for Sports Injury
Jonathan Mates serves patients who experience acute and chronic pain, sports injuries, and other neuro-musculoskeletal conditions with acupuncture and other treatments from traditional Chinese medicine and integrative sports medicine. Jonathan uses both traditional Eastern medicine and alternative contemporary therapies in combination with an understanding of Western medicine to provide the patient with an integrative based approach that focuses on fast and long lasting pain relief and accelerated healing and recovery. His hands-on approach and individualized treatment plans guarantee that the patient receives only the highest level of care and attention. As an active athlete and martial artist, Jonathan has experienced many injuries and uses this knowledge and understanding to treat every patient with compassion and a deeper understanding of their healing process.
Sports Medicine
Conditions Treated:
Pain Conditions Treated:
- Arthritis and Joint Pain
- Bursitis (inflammation of fluid-filled pads around the joints)
- Causalgia (burning pain)
- Chronic Pain Syndromes
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Headaches (migraine, tension, cervicogenic)
- Muscle Tension
- Muscle Spasms
- Myofascial Pain Syndrome
- Overuse Injuries
- Repetitive Strain Injuries
- Spinal Pain
- Sprains
- Strains
- Tendonitis, Tendonosus, Tendinopathy
Neck & Thoracic Pain
- Cervicalgia
- Cervical Disc Pain
- Cervical Radiculopathy (nerve root injury)
- Neck Degenerative Disc & Joint Disease
- Neck Facet Joint Pain & Arthritis
- Neck Myofasical Pain Syndrome
- Neck Sprain/Strain
- Thoracic Degenerative Disc & Joint Disease
- Thoracic Disc Pain
- Thoracic Facet Joint Pain & Arthritis
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Upper Back Muscle Strain
- Whiplash
Shoulder & Upper Arm Pain
- Biceps & Triceps Tendonitis
- Rotator Cuff Impingement Syndrome
- Rotator Cuff Tears
- Shoulder Instability
- Shoulder Tendonitis/Bursitis
Calf, Ankle & Foot Pain
- Achilles Tendonitis, Tendinopathy, & Tendonosus
- Ankle Sprains
- Ankle/Foot Tendonitis
- Calf Strains
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Shin Splints
Low Back, Sacroiliac Pain, & Pelvic Pain
- Chronic Pelvic Pain
- Low Back & Gluteal Myofasical Pain Syndrome
- Lumbar Disc Pain
- Lumbar Facet Joint Pain & Arthritis
- Lumbar Radiculopathy (nerve root injury)
- Lumbosacral Degenerative Disc & Joint Disease
- Nerve Pain from Shingles
- Piriformis Syndrome
- Sacro-iliac Joint Pain & Dysfunction
- Sciatica
Elbow, Forearm, Wrist & Hand Pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Epicondilitis (irritation of the tissue connecting the forearm muscle to the elbow)
- Finger Sprains and Arthritis
- Golfer’s Elbow
- Hand Sprains & Arthritis
- Little League Elbow
- Radial Neuritis (caused by trauma to the radial nerve)
- Tennis Elbow
- Ulnar Neuritis (inflammation of the ulnar nerve in the arm that results in numbness or weakness in the hand)
- Wrist Sprains & Arthritis
Hip, Thigh & Knee Pain
- ACL Sprains
- Chondromalacia Patella (damage to the cartilage under the knee)
- Hamstring Strains
- Hip/Gluteal Tendonitis/Apophysitis
- Iliotibial Band (IT band) Pain
- Meniscus Injuries
- Osteoarthritis
- MCL Sprains
- Patellar Tendonitis
- Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (runner’s knee)
- Quadriceps Strains & Tendonitis
“Jonathan Mates was far more than an acupuncture specialist, with comprehensive knowledge of body mechanics, exercise and rehabilitation techniques, he was able to address my physical conditions and provide a plan to continue with my rehabilitation. Jonathan’s professional attitude, credentials and extensive knowledge of natural healing is a valuable asset to any clinic. ”